A love Like This
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Bride and Groom

A love Like This

This bride for us was/is/will always be the bride and groom we will remember. It is bride’s similar to Meg that keep our drive in shooting weddings alive. She is so real… down to earth… and nothing can take her smile away not even on a bad day 😉 I don’t think I will ever meet a bride who loves her Daddy this much… I mean yeah we all love our parents unconditionally beyond belief, but for Meg and her sister this goes deeper. You can see it in the way that she smiles whenever her dad comes into the room. It is almost as if heaven itself shines down from above and the whole room lights up through this bond that has just become stronger over the years. The post it note (ILHF – I loved her first.) shown below was just a small gesture to the amount her Dad loves her back, you know from just being with him and his girls that they have and will always be his life’s greatest work and his love for them endless for all time.

From the moment I received Meg’s phone call saying that she just had to have us to the call just hours before her consultation cause she had pink eye. Needless to say instead of canceling she turned it into a conference call with her Dad and before we reached home from the studio there was a fax and a payment in our inbox. What more can we say other than Meg is a girl who know’s what she wants and wastes no time acquiring it! How lucky is Chris for that!

You two deserve so many wonderful things in life that I am sure in time you will be blessed, it has been an honor and a pleasure getting to know you two whom we now can truly call our friends. We look forward to watching you both grow together and flourish into a wonderful family! Always stay in touch…

(Meg you can stop hitting the refresh button and give the screen time to finish loading 😉 I am surprised that you did not drag me back from India, but much to my surprise you also were very patient in awaiting your teasers! )

More images from this wedding can be viewed on our blog -

Meg, meg, Meg, meg, Meg…..

Keywords: Bride and Groom (28).

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